6 Tips for Painting the Exterior of a House

Repainting the exterior of your house can completely transform its appearance. In the same way as painting the walls of a room, a new colour on the exterior siding of your home could be just the breath of fresh air you need.

However, to succeed in this project, it’s a must to properly plan each step and carry it out with care.

Here are 6 tips to guide you through your project. This way, you can paint your home’s exterior siding with full confidence.


1. Choose the right day for your painting project

To get your exterior painting project off to a good start, you need to choose the right day to begin your work. To do this, you need to take into account the weather and temperature outside.


  • Weather: It’s important to paint on a day with no rain and little wind. High humidity can delay paint drying.
  • Temperature: The ideal temperature for painting outdoors is between 10°C and 25°C. Avoid painting in excessively hot or cold weather, as this can affect paint adhesion and drying.


For the best results, plan to paint early in the morning or late in the afternoon. This will prevent the paint from drying too quickly, which could lead to brush marks or cracks in the siding.

We also recommend keeping an eye on the weather forecast in order to make sure there’s no precipitation in the 24 to 48 hours following paint application.


2. Choose quality primer and paint

To obtain satisfactory results, it’s a must to select the right primer and paint for the job. Benjamin Moore has developed a line of products to perfectly meet the needs of professionals and homeowners alike, for all their interior and exterior painting projects.


Choosing an exterior primer

A quality primer will ensure good paint adhesion and protect the surface to be covered. Here are the Benjamin Moore primers to use, depending on your home’s siding:


  • Vinyl, masonry or metal siding: Benjamin Moore’s Fresh Start® High-Hiding All Purpose Primer provides maximum coverage and a uniform finish on most exterior surfaces as well as creating a mildew-resistant coating.
  • Wood siding: While Fresh Start® High-Hiding All Purpose Primer is also a good choice for exterior wood siding, Benjamin Moore’s Fresh Start® Deck & Siding Primer maximizes adhesion and finish durability on new or previously coated exterior wood surfaces.


Choosing an exterior paint

The paint you select to give your home’s siding a facelift must be weather-resistant as well as UV-resistant in order to prevent fading from sun exposure.

Here are the Benjamin Moore paints to use on your wood, masonry, aluminum, metal or vinyl siding:


  • Aura® Exterior Paint: Benjamin Moore’s Aura Exterior line offers excellent fade resistance. The unsurpassed depth of colour achieved with this paint ensures beautiful, long-lasting results.
  • Regal Select® Exterior Paint: Benjamin Moore’s High-Build Regal Select exterior line can be applied at temperatures as low as 1.7°C and its flexible formula makes it easy to fill small cracks and other slight imperfections.


3. Get the right painting tools

To ensure the success of your project, you will need to choose the right tools. High-quality synthetic brushes and medium-bristle rollers are recommended for even application. For larger surfaces, a spray gun can speed up the work and ensure even coverage.

As well as brushes and rollers, don’t forget other essential tools, such as masking tape to protect areas you don’t want to paint, and tarpaulins and drop cloths to cover the ground.

In addition to these accessories, you may want to invest in a sturdy ladder or secure scaffolding to carry out your project safely. Finally, make sure you have everything you need to protect yourself properly, such as gloves, safety glasses and masks to prevent inhalation of paint fumes.


4. Properly prepare the surface to be painted

How you prepare the surface to be painted depends, of course, on the type of siding you have. Different materials require different preparation!


  • Wood siding: Start by removing dirt, mildew and old, flaking coats of paint with a wire brush and a suitable cleaner. Then sand the surface to improve adhesion of primer and paint.
  • Masonry or vinyl siding: Use a pressure washer to remove dirt and debris. For brick or stone, repair cracks and holes with a suitable filler before applying the primer.
  • Metal cladding: Remove rust with a wire brush, then apply an anti-rust product, if necessary. Clean with a degreaser to remove oil and dirt residue.


For particularly dirty or mildewed surfaces, use a mixture of water and bleach and clean thoroughly. Be sure to let the surface dry completely before applying the primer.

Remember: Good surface preparation ensures that the paint properly adheres to the siding of your house, thereby extending the life of your exterior paint.


5. Use the right paint application technique

The way you apply primer and paint to your home’s siding plays a crucial role in the quality of the final results. Here are a few application techniques to remember for your exterior painting project:


Apply primer to house siding

Cover the surface evenly with the primer and allow it to dry completely before proceeding to the painting stage. For best coverage, we recommend applying two coats of primer, especially on porous surfaces.


Apply paint to house siding

When applying paint, first do the edges and corners with a brush, then use a roller (or spray gun) for larger surfaces. As with the primer, we recommend applying at least two coats of paint.


6. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to the letter

For the best results, it’s of the utmost importance to follow the manufacturer’s instructions, whether it’s a question of drying time between coats, the number of coats to apply or how to use the products. Make sure you mix the paint thoroughly before and during the application in order to ensure uniform consistency.

By following the manufacturer’s recommendations, you will be giving yourself the best possible chance of achieving a final product that lives up to your expectations and efforts.


Now grab your brushes and go!

Painting the exterior surfaces of your house takes time and preparation, but by choosing the right products and following these tips, it can be a very rewarding project with stunning results!

The advisors at our four stores are always available to help you choose the right products for your project. Come and see us!